
EP. 210 Mark Wolynn Revisited The Gift Of Healing Generational Trauma

The reaction to the trauma doesn’t necessarily stop with the people who experienced it.

Do you have symptoms that you can’t explain? For example, are you overly anxious for no obvious reason? Do you instinctively push people away or intentionally disassociate from difficult feelings in your body? Do you have irrational fears or thoughts about what could happen that don’t make logical sense?

If so, there’s a chance you may be experiencing inherited trauma; that’s trauma, which started with your parents or your grandparents – not you. 

Generational trauma can impact our lives in profound ways. Fortunately, there is something you can do to transform the fears and soothe the feelings. There is a way to break the pattern so that the ancestral trauma stops with you. 

Mark Wolynn – author of It Didn’t Start With You and the director of The Family Constellation Institute in San Francisco has devoted his life to understanding and healing inherited family trauma. In this must-hear episode, Mark reveals how his work holds the potential to wildly transform your life as well as the life of your children and grandchildren [even if they’ve not yet been born].    

The concept of inherited trauma is backed by science. As Mark explains in the episode, as we learn more about epigenetics, our clarity about the way trauma is passed on increases. 

Ancestral trauma is often behind the curtain. Logic can convince us that certain things are best left unsaid. But just because we don’t hear things doesn’t mean we can’t feel things. 

Mark’s work empowers people to dig deeper into their familial setting so they can understand the reactions and feelings locked in their body. As a result, his clients get to experience unimaginable feelings of freedom, closure, and clarity. 

You can get a taste of the potential that healing ancestral trauma could have for you when you tune into this episode. 

  1. What is inherited trauma?
  2. What’s a healthy way to experience a healing event if you can’t tap back into the original trauma? 
  3. How can you learn to be present with what is? 
  4. How to differentiate between attachment and generational trauma. 
  5. Why traumas affect fathering and mothering. 
  6. The profound difference between forgiveness and understanding.
  7. What is inner child healing and why is it powerful healing work?
  8. How healing generational trauma impacts your children [and your children’s children].
  9. Changing how our genes express to protect our kids [and grandchildren]. 
  10. Why Mark is passionate about this work [and how it healed his sight]. 
  11. The significance of Mark crying into his mother’s clothes. 
  12. And more… 

EP. 206 Dawn Breslin Recovering From Overwhelm, Stress, & Burnout

I started to recognize that the human system, the rhythm of a human is: grow and then rest, repair, grow again.

Rewind to 2012, and Dawn Breslin’s life broke apart. She’d been at the peak of her career – enjoying red carpet events, speaking on some of the biggest stages in the world, and authoring bestselling books. 

Then suddenly, the success was gone. A series of unavoidable life events escalated at the same time leaving Dawn emotionally, energetically, and financially bankrupt to the tune of £100k. What in the moment felt like an identity death gently evolved into a rebirth. In a moment of surrender, Dawn tapped into the harmonizing effect of nature. This experience became a trigger that empowered Dawn to swap debt, burnout, and energetic depletion to one of vibrant health, balance, and radiant wellbeing. 

Now, Dawn empowers others to come into a rhythmic cycle and be potent in life by dancing the giving and receiving cycles. In this episode, Dawn shares how her Harmonizing Alignment Process guides us to heal the inner child, tap into the rhythm of human, and cultivate a fierce love for

Dawn Breslin is a leading light in the field of coaching and personal transformation. Through her work as a TV & Radio presenter, best-selling Hay House author, inspirational keynote speaker, and media consultant she has inspired thousands of individuals to heal, re-energize and transform their lives. 

Tune into this episode to hear Dawn and I explore the following: 

  1. How Dawn’s life fell apart in 2012. 
  2. Dropping into presence and finding the flow of life. 
  3. Tapping into the awe in front of our eyes. 
  4. How a flower transformed Dawn’s life and created a rebirth. 
  5. The systems in nature that can help with our psychology. 
  6. The role of inner child work in giving & receiving. 
  7. Developing the inner dialogue to move through life with grace.
  8. The power of re-energizing work. 
  9. Using boundaries to protect the self. 
  10. Loving yourself into the fullness of your potential. 

In a world that’s prioritized doing over being for so long, Dawn’s story is a reminder of the power of finding a rhythm between the two. 

Dawn’s story is so empowering and her presence is passionate. I learned so much from this episode and I’m sure you’ll feel the same way when you check it out. 

EP. 204 Raj Jana Learning To Love And Forgive Your Shadow

The reason I’m willing to go into the deepest aspects of myself is because my soul, my heart is really craving safety.

This episode of Stay Grounded is my reflection for the month of October. Looking back, this month was themed in two core halves. During the first two weeks, I found myself exploring ways to elevate my communication skills. After some triggers in my interpersonal relationships, it became clear that some of my learned communication patterns were ineffective and disempowering. I know communication is a challenge for a lot of us. After all, we often learn shitty communication from shitty communicators! 

In this episode, I hope to share with you some insights and discoveries I made this month that could empower you too. 

Another huge theme was learning how to feel psychologically safe. The more I explore my own healing journey, the more I uncover deep, core wounds. Learning how to be OK with my imperfections and flaws was another big theme this month – and one I talk about in detail in this episode. 

As usual, my dear friend Georgina El Morshdy is here to hold space and guide us as we navigate this conversation about authenticity, expressing your needs, and having the courage to be imperfectly you. 

Here are some of the key takeaways you’ll hear us discuss: 

  1. The power of cultivating self-awareness at this point in our history.
  2. The role interpersonal relationships play in creating safety in your body. 
  3. What it means to create psychological safety. 
  4. Communication as a gateway to having your needs met. 
  5. Deepening into my Human Design and learning how to be a Projector. 
  6. The danger of mind reading and asking for words of affirmation. 
  7. Allowing myself to be messy and imperfect. 
  8. Exploring why we’re so afraid to feel. 
  9. Creating space between our feelings and our reactions. 
  10. And more…

The monthly reflection episodes are a key part of my monthly routines and rituals. The more I’m able to use hindsight as a tool for amplified self-awareness, the more I’m able to release the things that aren’t mine – and reclaim the parts that are. 

It’s my hope that my reflection inspires you to deepen into your own.

EP. 203 Dominick Quartuccio When Life Gives You No Choice But To Surrender

This past year has been a masterclass in surrender.

How would you navigate your way through an experience where you lost your core business overnight?

Earlier this year, Dom Quarticcio accidentally sent an email about porn he’d written for his men’s group to his corporate clients. 

That email made his reputation toxic to the point that all his contracts were canceled and deposits were pulled from his bank account. 

During a sacred plant ceremony, Dom asked his soul the question. “What the f*ck just happened?” 

The answer was clear, powerful, and specific…. “Hey, dude, you said you were really serious about helping 10 million men get on this path. You’re straddling the fence and now you have no other choice. And you’re welcome.”

What happened next is a powerful story of what’s possible when you surrender to the wisdom of your soul and the calling of your heart. 

Dominick Quartuccio is the founder of The Great Man Mastermind, a series of masterminds for men who are ready to stop lone-wolfing their lives. 

Dom co-hosts The Great Man Within Podcast and is an international keynote speaker on topics centering men’s personal development, such as high-performance habits, designing a purpose-driven life, and why men need community. He is also the author of two books: Design Your Future and On Purpose Leadership. His work has been featured in the New York Times, on NPR, and the TEDx stage.

In this episode, Dom and I explore:

  1. Learning to surrender so you can co-create with the universe. 
  2. What happened when Dom sent an email about porn to the wrong list. 
  3. How Dom navigates the dance between fear and freedom. 
  4. Learning to trust there’s a bigger plan that the universe can see. 
  5. Dom’s experience with Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.
  6. The power of clearing your mind through ‘Morning pages”.
  7. COVID as the great accelerator. 
  8. Getting to the source of what you want to feel. 
  9. Creating safety to allow emotions to be explored. 
  10. The boardroom of emotions & the four steps to emotional fluency.
  11. And more…

Dom is always so candid about his journey and his experiences. His vulnerability and openness clear the path for others to dive deeper into themselves so they can surrender to what is. 

This conversation is a beautiful reminder of the power of surrender. I hope it inspires you to trust that the universe will cv-create with you to achieve your dreams. 

EP. 202 Makhosi Candiss Pitts Shamanic Wisdom On Discovering What You’re Supposed To Do With Your Life

I’m trusting my own spirit over my mind and over what anybody else thinks.

Reflection is a fundamental practice that runs through everything I do. Recently, I’ve been finding a lot of value in revisiting old conversations – especially those I’ve had on this podcast. It’s why I knew I had to re-release this episode with Makhosi Candiss Pitts. 

Makhosi is an Abundance Activator & Authentic African Shaman who helps seekers create an extraordinary business and life using mindset, mindfulness, and metaphysics mastery. 

She guides people to develop their intuition and cultivate the courage to trust their personal truth – so they can create limitless abundance, unparalleled freedom, and exceptional impact.

In this conversation, we explore what it takes to find your calling. How you can know when to listen to your heart and how to turn down the external noise and clutter so you can get at your truth and experience unlimited abundance and unparalleled freedom. 

Makhosi has had an indelible impact on my own spiritual path. If you’re a spiritual seeker who’s ready to go deeper, you’ll love her energy as well as resonate with her own story of transformation and insane personal growth. 

Here’s a taste of what we explore: 

  1. Why do humans crave a sense of sovereignty?
  2. What does it feel like to be a sovereign being?
  3. How do you know when you’re experiencing oneness? 
  4. How do you learn to trust your intuition? 
  5. How do you know what to trust in the present moment? 
  6. What is freedom? 
  7. Was there a time when you were afraid of making a big decision? 
  8. Makhosi’s journey to becoming a shaman.
  9. And more…

If your soul is ready for more impact, freedom, and abundance, this episode is essential listening so check it out. 

EP. 185 Panache Desai How To Finally Realize That You Are Enough – Revisited

When we’re experiencing peace, we’re authentically being who we are.

I recorded this conversation with spiritual leader Panache Desai the weekend before the first COVID lockdown changed the world. This conversation happened at a pivotal point in my life when I’d been seeking deeper levels of self-love, but I didn’t know how to access it.

Then Panache came into my life…

Panache is one of the most enlightened humans I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. In fact, this conversation – recorded live in Austin – became the catalyst that sparked my wild rollercoaster ride of 2020.

I’m extremely excited to re-release this episode because it holds so much wisdom about self-love, acceptance, peace and surrender. Panache has an incredible message about embracing your enoughness which is both healing and empowering. I can’t wait for you to tap back into his magic.

Panache Desai is a visionary thought leader and a life catalyst in the area of human development. This incredible human has appeared on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, he’s collaborated with Depak Chopra and has worked with everyone from Neale Donald Walsh to Joe Dispenza, Brian Weiss, Ram Dass, James Redfield, and other luminaries in the fields of spiritual and personal development. Panache is also an international bestselling author and at this pivotal point in human history, he’s published a new book – You Are Enough – Revealing the Soul to Discover Your Power, Potential, and Possibility. 

Here’s a taste of what Panache and I discuss:

  1.  Why Panache’s daughter forced him to surrender to the uncertainty of life – and the beautiful healing journey that happened as a result.
  2.  The priceless gift of struggle and suffering.
  3.  What does peace and surrender feel like?
  4.  What is the essential self?
  5.  Does ego ever help us play at our highest level?
  6.  How can you get to the point where you feel enough?
  7.  What we have to learn about enoughness from squirrels.
  8.  What role does the mind play in helping us live our higher self?
  9.  Tools to make your mind the poster child of the heart.
  10.  The power of the breath.
  11.  The five commitments of enoughness.
  12.  What is presence?

I guarantee this episode will inspire a new way of thinking; leaving you empowered to approach today’s world with a sense of hope, faith, and peace.