EP. 73 “I was not scared of the illness itself. I thought, “This is just something that’s happening. It’s not going to be permanent. Either I’ll die or get better — those are the only two options I’m going to give myself.”
When Aimme’s heart raced to 200bpm – even when she wasn’t doing anything – she knew there was something seriously wrong. At the time, the medical community didn’t even have a name for Aimee’s chronic condition – but that turned out to be a blessing.
Aimee’s condition left her drained and debilitated. It was so severe she couldn’t even brush her teeth by herself. Aimee didn’t want to live like this. It wasn’t OK for her; so she made a choice. She knew she’d either die or get better.
Turned out, life wanted the latter for her.
When you’re not boxed in with a label or a specific diagnosis, you’re more able to tune into your own intuition. It’s what Aimee did. She removed toxins from her life, started eating organic, and invested in alternative therapies. The results were astounding. Aimee went from being able to do nothing, to becoming a best-selling author and health optimization consultant who’s currently exploring a variety of exciting projects.

I never limit myself by telling myself who I am. I just tell myself who I want to be.
Nowadays, Aimee teaches professionals how to optimize their productivity, energy, and ability to focus by controlling their physical and emotional wellbeing.
I found Aimee’s story so inspiring. It takes incredible courage to cultivate a mindset and willingness to heal yourself – but that’s exactly what Aimee’s been able to do.
And in this episode, she reveals how. So tune in now and discover:
- Why a dream about her grandpa made her realize death can be beautiful – not something to fear
- Why Aimee believes who we are can change everyday
- The importance of empathy for business (and life) and a surprising way to cultivate this ability
- Why fear isn’t irrational – and how you can use fear signals to live better
- The reason you feel better when you’re able to shift someone else’s emotions
And so much more 🙂
Aimee is an inspiration – not just because of how she navigated her way back from a health rock bottom, but because of her willingness to grow through everything.
She’s an example how life often gives you what you want (in a roundabout way). Listen to the end and you’ll see why her illness actually led to the work she wanted to do back in her teens.

I view life as a learning experience. We’re here to learn as much as we can before we pass on to the next learning experience.
Time Stamped Show Notes
[5:38] We start off talking about Aimee’s sickness, it happened when she was being personally mentored by Bob Proctor. I ask her what caused the sickness and what context did Bob provide to help her navigate that time? Aimee informs that a lot of people get chronic illnesses that aren’t yet labeled, and that was the case for her. The illness caused the heart to beat at a resting rate of 200 BPM (a normal person has a BPM of 60-65) and to lose a lot of weight. She went from being very active and independent to having to rely on others to help her brush her teeth. In addition to that, because there wasn’t a name for the illness, Aimee had to endure people questing her, not believing her and accusing her of seeking attention. On the other side, not having a name for it also served a benefit because she wasn’t being told that it was incurable. Not having the name didn’t put in her a box – a box that often times prevents people from healing.
[12:40] I ask Aimee how much of a role belief and positivity played in her healing? She said it was huge, she’s always been a positive person and has never been afraid of dying. She tells a story of how, during her first ambulance ride (the first time she felt her heart beat at 200 BPM), she thought that she might die and wanted to make sure the EMT’s that knew she was at peace, that they did their job and tried their best.
[20:02] Aimee talks about how her view of death affects her level of life. She says that she views life as an experience; we’re here to learn as much as we can before we pass onto the next learning experience. She’s aware that life is temporary and finite, and believes she’s here for a purpose – that’s what she stays grounded in. I ask her how she reminds herself of her purpose, Aimee says its important to be patient during the times when we’re unaware of our purpose or when it’s evolving. Our purpose doesn’t have to be a big endeavor, it could simply be providing comfort or a listening ear. On a daily, she says you can’t go wrong with being kind; we get to decide what we want to make of our lives and what we want those experiences to entail.
[34:21] Aimee said something that really struck a chord with me. She discussed how we have to allow the people we look up to, our idols, the room to be human and to understand that they’re not always going to be at 100%. I talk to her about how, when I was younger, I assumed my parents were superhuman and how there were times when I probably blamed them for making mistakes or for not being perfect. Aimee’s perspective transforms that dynamic, along with the way we perceive what people are doing for us or to us.
[44:21] Aimee says her processes for staying grounded differs each day – what worked today may not work tomorrow; it depends on what she’s going through. Itt comes down to checking in with her intuition and asking herself what it is that she needs in the moment. It can range from a bath, a cup of tea, a change of scenery or a new experience.
Aimee Tariq