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Jen Hansard

Episode 55

Breaking Your Own Limits


EP 055 I “Even if I don’t think I can do something, just take that next step and go for it. It’s amazing what you can do even when you don’t even know it’s possible.”

I’m really excited for this week’s guest.

Jen Hansard is the founder of Simple Green Smoothies, a business that she started out of a need and strong desire to keep her family healthy. This simple remedy has created a health movement that inspires millions of people (and counting) all over the world.

But that’s not even the highlight of Jen’s journey.

In addition to her business success, Jen is a mother, a best selling author, a wellness advocate, pilot in training and the perfect example of what it means to both, have it all and handle it all.

She is proof that anything is possible.

That you don’t have to settle and that the only limits in your life are the ones you decide to keep over yourself.

We talk today about her love of life, our different life hacks, how she leans into the fear, embraces discomfort, and the power she wields by saying “yes!” to things that excite.

This conversation will inspire you, empower you – even compel you to get real with where you may be settling and challenge you to look at your life through fresh eyes.

Jen believes there’s NOTHING she can’t do.

What kind of life would you lead if you took that same belief for yourself?


This episode is for you if you:

  • Want to have it all and handle it all
  • Are stopped by your fears
  • Want to create a more excitement in your life
  • Are looking for ways to create more time for the things you love


Time Stamped Show Notes

[4:54] During my research, I noticed an aspect of simplicity with regards to the changes that occured in Jen’s life. Making just the slightest change to one part of her life, had a huge impact on all other areas. Jen attributes it to choosing that right thing to focus on. Green Smoothies were that thing; incorporating a simple drink into her diet resulted with her gaining more energy, feeling her best, boosting her family’s immune system and creating a successful business.

[13:03] Jen has this natural inclination to lean into things, trusting that they will work out and doing what’s necessary to figure them out. This was crazy evident in her story about her family packing up and moving from LA to Florida – no plan in place; they packed up, started driving and figured it out. She talks about how she’s learned to enjoy being uncomfortable or in a space of uncertainty, because she’s learned that pushing against that wall always reveals something greater on the other side.

[18:06] Jen says that everyday she wakes up excited, and that’s because she’s living out her passions. Being driven by a schedule, she talked about how the book Essentialism was such a game changer for her. One of the key pieces of advice she received from the book was the practice of clearing your calendar and starting with the things that are most important to you, everything else gets scheduled around that. For Jen – everything else gets scheduled around her run!

[32:00] I asked Jen about how her journey of self care combined with her success has impacted her awareness of self- it’s made her realize, not only, how awesome she is but how awesome we all are. Her adventures have created a confidence and atmosphere of self celebration within her and she talks about the importance of sharing those experiences with the people in her life.

[36:58] For those of us still on our journey to tapping into our source of confidence, Jen suggests finding someone that can be your source of encouragement. She was right there with you and found someone who would push her past her excuses. For her, it was a coach, it can also be a friend. Give them permission to “push you to a better version of yourself.”

Jen Hansard