“I master my fate and captain my soul… I need to take radical responsibility for my life. I can create anything that I want out of my life.”
Like many entrepreneurs, Andrew Kroeze achieved massive success through the hustle-and-grind culture only to find the tactic wasn’t sustainable.
After experiencing burnout, Andrew had no choice but to reinvent himself. But the changes didn’t fully stick. The next time he crashed, Andrew woke up in a hospital bed. This time, Andrew knew he needed to make more permanent changes to his life and business. He craved something simpler, so he sold his company, retreated to an ashram, and reset his nervous system.
Through this experience, Andrew decided to become a “master of his fate.” In practice, this looked like embedding energy rituals, systems, and habits into his routine so he could alchemize time into the life his soul wanted.
Andrew’s willingness to hold himself accountable to his life blueprint inspires me. The degree of ownership Andrew commands over his psychological & physiological state is a potent reminder of the creative power of discipline when it’s harnessed in the direction of alignment and authenticity.
In his work, Andrew is committed to sharing his secrets of success with others. Through his Masters of Fate brotherhood, Andrew empowers men to master themselves first and then business.

“Our core beliefs anchor our thoughts, our energy rituals anchor our emotions, and then our time design or our calendar anchors our actions.”
Key takeaways:
- How entrepreneurship can be a catalyst for a spiritual journey.
- Retreating to a monastery to reset my nervous system.
- Letting go of deeply rooted core beliefs that don’t serve.
- Intentional rituals for sustaining energy.
- Developing processes as an accountability tool.
- Using time blocking to design his calendar.
- Planning hacks for designing your life.
- Using pre-commitments to establish helpful habits.
Contact Info:
- https://www.instagram.com/kaptainkroeze
- https://www.facebook.com/andrew.kroeze.50
- https://start.masteringfate.com/bro53711418
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