I would say mindfulness, as a practice, as a whole, is about waking up to the true experience of life.
Sara Raymond was in her early 30s when she realized she was drifting through her life aimlessly. Up until this point, her life had been guided by what she felt she ‘should’ do. The feeling of being in the status quo inspired Sara to reinvent her life. This feeling was the beginning of The Mindful Movement.
Sara founded The Mindful Movement in 2016 with a desire to inspire others to live mindfully, fulfilled lives. Sara is passionate about self-healing movement practices. Through her work, she combines her skills of hypnotherapy, meditation, pilates, and yoga to help others build confidence in their body and release stress, anxiety, and emotional blocks. Sara has also guided over 500,000 people through mindful practices on her YouTube Channel and in her private practice.

In this conversation, we explore the power of mindfulness to ignite presence. I also loved hearing Sara share about the role her son has played in the development of her business by helping her start her YouTube channel.
Here’s an overview of what else we talked about.
Key takeaways:
- Waking up and recognizing that you’re living in the status quo.
- The work to connect with safety in your heart.
- How contrast helps us feel the beauty of life.
- How other people’s feelings spark our own emotional responses.
- Sara’s definition of mindfulness.
- Where does resistance come from and does it have utility for humans?
- Cultivating the courage to decide.
- Education for the next generation.
- And more…
This was a candid conversation that inspired me to open up vulnerably about my journey over the past 18 months too. If you’re ready to live a life of desires instead of ‘shoulds’ and you’re curious to know what lies on the other side of tough decisions, this episode is for you.

We need to have struggles and challenges to make the amazing experiences in our life really stand out and be amazing.