There is a fundamental and universal… almost like a human right, for us to be happy.
If you ask parents around the world what they most want for their kids, most will answer happiness. You could say that happiness is the core aim of the human experience.
So why do so many people struggle to experience one of the feelings we crave the most?
This episode’s guest is Dr. Elia Gourgouris who’s a keynote speaker, author, and president of The Happiness Center – an organization of world-leading experts in the field of Positive Psychology dedicated to creating personal success and happiness.
Dr Elia believes that happiness is a choice. In this episode, Dr Elia shares what he’s learned about the 7 pathways to lasting happiness – and how these paths can lead to self-love, success, and greater work-life balance.

If you want to be happy in life, do something good for somebody else, every day, and you will be a rich man.
Dr Elia is the author of the #1 bestseller 7 Paths to Lasting Happiness. With his positive psychology background, he’s helped thousands of people over the past 35 years choose happiness. Dr Elia also co-hosts the weekly The Kindness and Happiness Connection podcast and was the Executive Producer of the Reality TV show Cash Cowboys and is currently working on a new Reality TV show called The Kindness Givers!
In this powerful episode, Dr Elia and I explore:
Key takeaways:
- Why do we find it hard to believe that happiness is a choice?
- Self-forgiveness as a courageous act.
- The life-changing advice Elia received from his grandfather when he was five-years-old.
- Why helping is a catalyst for happiness and joy.
- What does true happiness feel like?
- The link between happiness and forgiving.
- Why your life is a reflection of what’s happening on the inside.
- How to love yourself – even during times of adversity and challenge.
- The importance of eliminating toxic relationships from your life.
- Healing the fear of being alone.
- The difference between needing to know and accepting what is.
Dr Elia explains how you can impact the way you feel by choosing your attitude. When you believe that happiness is a choice, you can back control over your life and intentionally create moments that spark joy.
If you desire more happiness in your life, you’ll love hearing what Dr Elia has to say in this deep-dive conversation.

Self-care or self-love is always the first path to lasting happiness.