“Raj’s personal habits, routines, rituals, and systems for success neatly packaged to help you unleash your truest potential.”
Fed up of settling, living short of your dreams, and swapping deep fulfillment
for what society says you’re allowed to have?
Join the growing number of life enthusiasts using Accelerated Actualization and learn to break through your limits, foster unshakeable self-belief, and have your cake and eat it too.
Do you find yourself asking, ‘is this really supposed to be this hard?’
I get it! You’ve made the decision to change your life. You’ve bought the courses, read books, and committed to the goals.
But somewhere along the way, circumstances came up that forced you to hit the brakes.
It’s not your fault.
The world doesn’t want you to win.
Instead, it wants you to fall in line, play it safe, and conform to conventional ways of living.
We’re programed to believe we have to wait our turn, that success is way out of reach, and the people who ‘have it all’ are somehow different from you.
But that’s not the truth.
You can experience extraordinary levels of fulfillment.
Instead, you’re meant to:
You can have your cake and eat it too.
You can grow through failure, feel comfortable outside your comfort zone, and feel grateful when things go wrong!
Success requires a physical, mental, and emotional environment that:
And that’s exactly what Accelerated Actualization will help you create [and more!]
This four-week training + mentoring program will empower you to experience the audacious life you want – fast.
Let me show you how…
Brought up on the immigrant mindset, I was raised on the mentality that hard work leads to success.
So that’s what I did.
With the help of massively supportive parents I became a state tennis champion in high school. I started a highly popular fraternity in college, and in work, I rapidly climbed the corporate ladder as an engineer – making 6-figures right out of school
I thought I was doing everything right. I worked hard – chasing the conventional definition of success. I even started dabbling with a side hustle because I wanted to push myself and have it all.
Then Jerry died…
Jerry was my first mentor. An incredible man with an impeccable career record who’d put in 37 years at the same company.
When I met him, retirement was just around the corner – and he was excited.
After a lifetime of hard work and sacrifices, he couldn’t wait to invest in his passion for woodturning. He had his garden shed ready, his tools lined up, and a lifetime of shelved projects ready to go.
But he never got the chance…
With just three months to go, Jerry died of a heart attack – taking all these beautiful dreams to the graveyard.
When Jerry died, I realized I was believing the biggest lie of them all…
That tomorrow was guaranteed – as long as I followed the rules.
Everything changed for me in that moment.
I didn’t want that for my life.
I didn’t want to settle or compromise or push off my dreams for some arbitrary time in the future (that may never come).
It wasn’t easy. This decision took me down the harder path through life.
I committed to massive action, took big risks, and invested over $100,000 learning from some of the world’s best mentors.
“It’s easy for you to say because you’re so young.”
The truth is none of my achievements were ‘accidental’ or ‘lucky’.
They were exactly what I wanted and I worked my ass off for them.
And you can have them too (if it’s what you truly want).
The only thing stopping you living an extraordinary life is the story you tell yourself about yourself.
I choose to believe I’m someone who deserves it all – and so I live my life directed by this belief. I choose to believe EVERYTHING in life happens for me, not too me. It’s how I navigate challenges, grow from mistakes, dance with fear, and transform my limiting beliefs into incredible assets that pay dividends years over year.
During this 4-week program, you’ll learn to embed rituals, routines, and structures into your life that cultivate speed and success.
So you can become unstoppable in your mission for an extraordinary life 🙂
Remember, you are the biggest horse you can bet on.
Put yourself in an environment designed for success, and suddenly ANYTHING is possible.
Right now, Accelerated Actualization is the only way to get coaching or mentoring from me. Join the program and you’ll enjoy unrivalled access to me and all my success methodologies.
I’ll be your guide and mentor (for as long as you choose) – helping you embody Accelerated Actualization so you can create the extraordinary life you desire and deserve.
Accelerated Actualization is delivered over 4 weeks – covering the set of life principles, practices, and mindsets that empower you to experience true momentum through speed, growth, action, presence, and impact.
This blueprint for life will empower you to experience incredible momentum towards the business and life goals you want.
Lifetime access to the self-taught Accelerated Actualization Philosophy program
You’ll discover the Accelerated Actualization Philosophy through self-taught, online training.
You’ll work through TWO, powerful modules:
Each module covers a life principle, which you’ll practice with the help of homework assignments. Implementation is supported by in-depth video teachings and worksheets.
The Accelerated Actualization Philosophy forms your foundations. It teaches you the mindsets, routines, and systems you need to experience the extraordinary path through life.
1-Month Access to the Stay Grounded HERO Community, which includes private weekly calls and Q&A sessions with me
This is PRICELESS. The Stay Grounded motto is nobody thrives alone. You experience radical change with other people. This community will help you in ways you can’t even imagine.
2 group mentoring calls with Raj
Graduates of the Accelerated Actualization program have said mentoring calls drastically increased their ability to create change. These calls create new lens and are designed to help you gain clarity.
All guides, workbooks and Raj’s personal favorite books to help you effectively implement the Accelerated Actualization Philosophy
Your secret weapons. Having Raj’s step by step process in front of you while you absorb the weekly lessons is key. Read Raj’s personal notes that created the biggest changes in his life and his favorite growth books.
Lifetime access to all current and future Stay Grounded podcast episodes including never before released speaker content
Continuing education is extremely important. That’s why you get lifetime access to our podcasts. We want you to stay involved in the community and continue to learn and grow with us!
Exclusive Stay Grounded video vault content not available to the public
Additional lessons taught by Raj, exclusive speaker content, podcast guest trainings, and personal notes and feedback from growth experiences… All yours when you sign up.
Thanks to Accelerated Actualization, I have a method I can use to create the life I want. This program has elevated my life in every sense. It’s transformed my music, my relationships, my business, and my fitness. It’s taught me how to live life for me. If you’re thinking about giving the Stay Grounded Philosophy mentorship a shot, don’t think anymore. You just have to do it.
It’s empowered me to create my own path through life – not someone else’s. Before the course I thought I only had space to juggle a full-time job and my business. Now, I’m doing a full-time business and a full-time job, I’m working on a new diet, I’m moving out of my apartment into a better environment, and I’m also working on my book. I used to think I could do only one or the other, but now I know I can have anything I f*cking want and do it all.
Unlike other courses, Accelerated Actualization isn’t a 4-week program and then you’re on your own.
Instead, this is a mentoring, support, and accountability community that can be with you for life (or as long as you choose).
Your investment in Accelerated Actualization is $297. This unlocks:
The Accelerated Actualization Philosophy is a powerful 2-part framework that teaches you how to walk the extraordinary path through life. It’s my personal set of beliefs, habits, systems, and philosophies that helped me manifest extraordinary results, rapid growth, and a life with no regrets.
Use this philosophy to take radical action, move at a fast pace, navigate failures, and achieve your big ass goals with more confidence, courage, and grace.
It’s time to discover what you’re really made of.
It’s not enough to have a vision alone, you need to set goals that excite you to close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be. In this module, you’ll learn to create targeted action plans and goals through your HERO lens – all designed to get you closer to your vision for a perfect future.
By going through this module, you’ll develop the skills to create better goals that are aligned with your vision for a brighter future. You’ll harness your new-found belief systems to unlock the confidence to continue trying things that are out of your comfort zone so you can move, grow, and accomplish things even faster.
With new goals set, fear will return. Fear knows how to use resistance and apathy to keep you stuck. In this module, you’ll learn how to take complete ownership of your mental, physical, and emotional environments. You’ll design a lifestyle that keeps fear out of the equation so you can move with momentum towards the realities you want to experience
By going through this module, you’ll get my personal framework to stay inspired, motivated, and excited to take massive action – even when you don’t feel like doing so. Over time, this compounds into internalized willpower that empowers you to act through anything life throws at you.This is the module that transforms your vision from a dream into an everyday reality.
Inside Accelerated Actualization, you’ll learn from someone who’s shortcut life mastery by decades. You’ll work with a mentor who’s invested over $100,000 in their own personal development. You’ll be held accountable by someone who refuses to settle for anything less than what their heart desires.
It’s my commitment that this mentorship will change your life – FAST (because speed is my love language).
Accelerated Actualization can give you anything you want. It’s up to you how you apply the principles. It’s up to you what goals you set. It’s up to you what you choose to create.
Invest in this program and you can expect to move faster, feel more courageous, and deliver extraordinary results. Prepare for rapid personal growth, insane levels of grit and resilience, and the fulfillment that comes from going all in on the life you want – and making it happen.
Accelerated Actualization is a system that delivers results today and in the future. You can use it to create success in business and in life. You can use it whether you have a thriving business or if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur.
If you’re hungry for more and you want to live ferociously, this program is for you.
It’s time to throw off your guardrails and get out of the sandbox. It’s time to unleash the badass within and show up unapologetically as your inner hero. It’s time to think bigger, commit to massive action, and take your life into your own hands. The extraordinary path through life has your name on it. You can walk it TODAY with an investment in Accelerated Actualization. Are you in?
Thanks to the Accelerated Actualization Philosophy, I have a method I can use to create the life I want. This program has elevated my life in every sense. It’s transformed my music, my relationships, my business, and my fitness. It’s taught me how to live life for me. If you’re thinking about giving the Stay Grounded Philosophy mentorship a shot, don’t think anymore. You just have to do it.
It’s empowered me to create my own path through life – not someone else’s. Before the course I thought I only had space to juggle a full-time job and my business. Now, I’m doing a full-time business and a full-time job, I’m working on a new diet, I’m moving out of my apartment into a better environment, and I’m also working on my book. I used to think I could do only one or the other, but now I know I can have anything I f*cking want and do it all.
Thanks to the framework, my life has changed fundamentally. I’ve learned how to set goals I can actually achieve and I’ve already achieved so much. There’s more intimacy and connection with my partner. I feel a lot more confident in my Amazon business and the decisions I’m making. I’ve been focusing on my health too. Since doing the program, I’ve never been more excited about my life. It feels as though my dreams have really begun.
Instead, I was reacting to things happening around me and I’d settled for the idea that this was as good as it was going to get. Now that I have the Accelerated Actualization Philosophy, I have full control over my future. This belief has transformed the way I act. I’m able to approach life with a more inspiring mindset and that’s making me feel better about everything. I absolutely see myself meeting or exceeding my goals in 2019, and I would attribute all of that to Accelerated Actualization Mentoring because it’s given me the ability to approach things with a better mindset.
Without the program, 2019 had the hallmarks for being like 2018 or 2017 – in fact, it would have been similar to 1970 in that not a lot would have changed. This has just been one heck of an experience, one that will stay with me for life and one that will help shape and guide me. Now, my every waking moment is all about thinking whether this is right? Am I showing up the right way? Am I leaning in? Am I helping drive the outcome? I feel inspired and empowered about a bigger life where I can have it all – for me, my wife, my kids, and my nearest and dearest.
It’s taught me to be kind to myself and that’s created transformed relationships. This program has given me a philosophy that’s helping me structure my thoughts and end goals and put them into everyday plans. I’ve unlocked a confidence in myself and I know how to execute, plan, keep track, and hold myself accountable to the things I really want. Above all, I just feel really happy with my life.